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Kirkstall Valley Park (KVP) is a Registered Charity number 1108868 and a not-for-profit company number 5097588, limited by guarantee.

KVP is an umbrella body that brings together various interest groups. People don't normally join KVP as individuals, but they can join one or more of the constituent organisations, such as the Friends of Kirkstall Valley Park (below) and thereby have some input into the scheme. New or existing organisations are welcome to join KVP, providing that their objectives are compatible with our constitution which you can download by clicking the link.

The registered office for KVP is:

Hawksworth Wood Community Association
6 Broadway
Leeds LS5 3PR

The Company Chair for KVP is:

Stephen Rennie
16 Morris Lane
Leeds LS5 3JD

voice (0113) 275 2441
email: rennie02@googlemail.com

The Company Secretary for KVP is:

Councillor John Illingworth
37 Kirkwood Way
Leeds LS16 7EU

home (0113) 267 3735; work (0113) 343 3135; mobile 07946 301132
email: john.illingworth@leeds.gov.uk

The KVP Directors are:

Mrs Ann Chadwick Wades Charity
Mr Robert Collins Leeds Civic Trust
Mr Adrian Curtis Groundwork Leeds - treasurer
Mr David Hall SUSTRANS
Councillor Janet Harper Leeds City Council (Armley Ward)
Councillor John Illingworth Leeds City Council (Kirkstall Ward) - secretary
Mr Greg Parsons Leeds Canoe Club
Mr John Preston British Trust for Conservation Volunteers
Mr Stephen Rennie Hawksworth Wood Community Association - chair
Mr Chris Royffe Leeds Metropolitan University
Mr Ken Straford Kirkstall Village Community Association
Councillor Neil Taggart Leeds City Council (Bramley Ward)
Mr Don Vine Yorkshire Wildlife Trust

KVP contact details about Kirkstall Valley Park latest news project details member organisations